New Year’s Resolutions 101: Best ways to make sure you stick with it!

Starting a new year is a great way to start a new you. let’s see what we can do to make sure we stick with it.

Tip #1 Start before the New Year

If you want your New Year's resolution to stick all year around. Then it's reasonable that you start beforehand. Why wait until January 1st? You are more likely to stick with it when its already a habit.

Photo by RomoloTavani/iStock / Getty Images

Photo by RomoloTavani/iStock / Getty Images

Tip #2 Write them down

Don't just have your goals in your mind, write them down. Even go the extra step to schedule them in your phone calendar. If it doesn't get scheduled it won't get done, have you heard that before? Also write the reason why next to your goal, remembering your why is extremely helpful.

Tip #3 Revisit your goals throughout the week

Like any goal you're trying to achieve, revisiting it throughout the day or week can help you stay on track. If your goal was to hit the gym or go for a run twice per week and it's already Wednesday, consider going today. Don't leave your goals for the last minute, studies do show the morning is the best time to complete any task.

Tip #4 Start small, baby steps

Your new year's resolutions go out the window two weeks into January because you start too big or with too much. Start small, baby steps are key to achieving any goal at any time of the year.

Short story:

I've had a new year's resolution every new year's since I can remember and since I can remember I don't think I've met any. But there was one year that I decided to work on my goal almost every day, although it wasn't January anymore. So month after month I kept at it, even if I didn't feel like it and made it through. So next time you have a goal, why wait until next January? Start today, you'll wish you started sooner.

be inspiredStefanie Vargas