Why Journaling is important during uncertain times

How journaling can help you during uncertain times in your life. I hope these tips that follow, can help you choose to journal a bit more.

image @moyo.studio

image @moyo.studio

Tip #1 It can help you reflect

Writing down what happens during the day can help you reflect. Reflecting can make you self-aware of things you may have missed during the day. I try to write down every day what happens throughout my day. It helps me realize that some things are not in my control and that I should focus more on what is.

Tip #2 It can help you express yourself

Sometimes you may not want to talk to others about what your thinking because you're afraid of being a judge. Writing is the only time I know I can write everything I feel and if I don't want anyone to read it I can just erase it. After writing down my feelings there is always whether small or large a lift of stress that's no longer there. Why don't you give it a try?

Tip #3 It helps you get closer to your goals

Thinking about a dream is great but when you get to write it down and put it on a post-it note in front of you, there's a constant reminder of what you need to do. Life is full of distractions so writing something down helps to remind you to stay on the path you want to be on.

Tip #4 Its helps create a gratitude

Time and time again I would remind myself to write about what I'm grateful for. But as you may know, terrible days prevent this. But I realize that the only thing that can get me through any obstacle would be writing down my blessings. So pick up a pen and start writing, its the best expression to help you move forward from any obstacle.