3 tips on the importance of having Courage. So keep going!

Keeping momentum and perseverance. How to have courage and how trying towards a goal helps build it!

Tip #1 Remember why you started!

Remember your why, the reason you started in the first place. Is it for yourself or others, maybe both? The road ahead is filled with obstacles and challenges, so you must keep your why in front of you at all times. Try writing your goal on a post it note and keep it on your bathroom mirror or even a better idea put it on your phone or computer wall paper, that is sure to help! So whats your why?

Tip #2 Reflect on how far you’ve came!

Reflect and enjoy the journey, yes were all working for the destination. But its the journey and the friendships we make along the way, the trips and falls, the reflections that make your journey and destination more inspiring and tearful when you make it. Keep a journal, write in it everyday and make sure to date it. Because its truly amazing to read your old notes and appreciate how far you’ve came, keeping the momentum going.

Tip #3 Find a friend or mentor

Find support like a mentor, friend, teacher or parent. You’ll see through their eyes that your both trying to achieve similar goals. A team can help you stand stronger and taller, ultimately encouraging you. I have always thought that I could do everything by myself and really thought I knew all the answers. But it was only when I tripped and fell that my friend or teammate helped me up and encouraged me.

Tip#4 What do you think it should be?

Well subscribe and let me know what you think it should be…

Short Story:

A few years ago when I was first starting my business I had so many ideas that I couldn’t stick to one. I would start with something and end up finishing with a different task and I couldn’t understand why. But with time I realized that I was afraid of failure. I couldn’t stick to one task because I was too busy telling myself it wouldn’t work. Many years and months passed and I was still jumping from task to task not reaching any of my goals. So I decided to work on my courage, I encouraged and found support for myself in all the ways I thought would work. Fast forward, I finally had the courage to finish a goal.

be inspiredStefanie Vargas