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Why Failure is good: 4 reasons why there's magic in failure

Failure is something no one likes but it can be a tremendous help towards mastering a goal in life.

Reason #1 Moves you closer to a yes

I know what your thinking who wants to fail so many times. However, failure is important because it helps you get rid of all the ways something didn't work, moving you a little closer to a way that does work.

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Reason #2 It builds endurance

Just like going to the gym builds muscle, accepting failure after failure creates grit and toughness. You slowly develop courage within, leading you a little closer to a more sound mindset. Throughout this journey, you develop more confidence too!

Reason #3 It means your trying

If you fail at least that means your trying, like they say slow progress is better than no progress. Small wins matter, small steps matter, they all lead to a bigger result. I remember when my photographs were horrible but I kept trying and trying, and then one day I started seeing results.

Reason #4 You become better

There's something about trying over and again that leads you to become better, it can be better at a task or better as a person. But the feeling that comes with accomplishing something is worth all those failed attempts. Epic!